A group photo in front of the Spokane facility

From left to right: Interim President and CEO Brad Wiens, Jen Armbruster, Greg Szabo, Pat O’Hara, and Cindy Watson

On Thursday, February 21st, The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. held its second annual Lighthouse Opportunities Breakfast at The Spokane Club. The cold weather and snow did not keep the 87 guests from attending and celebrating jobs, independence, and empowerment for individuals who are blind in the Greater Spokane area. With the support of the community, we raised over $10,000 for our Employee and Community Services! Because of the generosity of the community, we can continue to offer our employees computer and technology training, braille literacy, and Orientation and Mobility training for individuals who are blind or visually impaired in Spokane.

During the event, guests enjoyed a delicious breakfast while U.S. Paralympian, Jen Armbruster shared her inspirational story about overcoming the loss of her sight to become one of the top women’s players in the sport of Goalball. We also heard a wonderful story from Wanda Johnson, a Lighthouse Production Worker. Wanda shared her personal story of how her albinism forced her to move from Austin, Texas to Spokane, Washington. Since moving in 2018, the Lighthouse has helped Wanda find her independence again. Guests were inspired by both women’s stories of how they did not let losing their sight hold them back from accomplishing their goals.

We are grateful to have the Spokane Community’s support for the past eleven years
since the Lighthouse opened our first satellite facility in 2008 in Spokane.

Thank you to our generous Lighthouse Opportunities Breakfast Sponsors!

Novation logo

CW Products logo

The BoxMaker logo
Empowering People logo

We would also like to thank our in-kind sponsors for providing wonderful items for our raffle!


The Backyard Public House

The Boiler Room

Dry Fly Distilling

Hop n Drops


The Spokane Chiefs

The Spokane Symphony

Volstead Act

Thank you to everyone who made this event a success! We hope that you will join us for future Lighthouse events in Spokane. Check out our events page to learn of upcoming events!