It is an honor to serve the Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind Foundation as its Board President. One can make no greater contribution than investing in a strong, healthy community. As Board President, I have the distinct pleasure of encouraging those investments.
When board members, trustees, and staff introduce leaders, donors, and community members to The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc., there are recurring themes that they hear – people who are blind, Deaf-Blind, and blind with other disabilities are drawn to the Lighthouse from throughout the country. They come because they cannot gain the skills elsewhere, because they did not have the employment opportunities, and because of our organization’s outstanding reputation.
Individuals, companies, and organizations that make gifts to the Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind Foundation make that reputation possible. Community support enables us to ensure that future opportunities will be available for blind and Deaf-Blind people. We can offer the supplemental training and technologies necessary to create accessible employment opportunities – which in turn keeps our manufacturing operations vibrant and competitive.
My passion for serving this foundation comes from my own personal experience with family members who are sight-impaired. I have seen first-hand how beneficial the programs and services at the Lighthouse can be. One of my sons is sight impaired and has worked at the Seattle facility for over 20 years. He’s able to live an independent and self-sufficient life thanks to the support of the Lighthouse and people like you.
This annual report gives you a snapshot of what we have been able to accomplish thanks to your contributions. We have developed a Strategic Plan and in order to achieve our goals, we continue to need your support and assistance. I encourage all of you to take a personal tour of the Lighthouse and see first-hand the lives we make possible for the people we serve.
Thank you for your support.
Tom Kuebler, Foundation Board President