Each year, our top priority focuses on creating more quality jobs for people with visual disabilities. We are committed to expanding jobs, upward mobility, and promoting more choices for blind and Deaf-Blind people in our community and beyond.
In 2009, we employed a total of 220 people who are blind, Deaf-Blind, and blind with other disabilities.
Today, blind and Deaf-Blind individuals work in jobs at every level of the organization including manufacturing, machining, information technology (IT), accounting, communications, human resources (HR), administration, teaching, management, and executive team. We will continue to strive to grow jobs steadily in the years ahead throughout The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.
The AbilityOne Program is a federal initiative to help people who are blind or have other severe disabilities find employment by working for nonprofit agencies (NPAs) that sell products and/or services to the U.S. government. With a national network of 600 NPAs, AbilityOne is the largest source of employment for people who are blind or have other severe disabilities in the United States.
“I found out about The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. in a newspaper article. When I heard they were opening a location in the Inland Northwest , I knew I had to apply. Now I actually have a job that I love, and I can throw away all those rejection letters!”
– Julia, INL Production Worker