Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (click below to download documents)
New suppliers please completely fill out the New Supplier Business Survey and return a filled out W-9 with your company information. The Washington State Reseller Permit and State of South Carolina DOR Exemption Sheet are for your supplier information to establish an account within your company. The Credit Reference Sheet is available by request from Aerospace Purchasing or Non-Aerospace Purchasing.
The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. is obligated to provide Subcontractors the following supplier information:
The E-Verify federal contractor rule requires certain federal prime contractors to require their subcontractors to use E-Verify when:
- The prime contract includes the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) E-Verify clause
- The subcontract is for commercial or noncommercial services or construction
- The subcontract has a value of more than $3,000
- The subcontract includes work performed in the United States
Note: Subcontractors who are suppliers are not subject to the E-Verify federal contractor rule.
The subcontractor should provide the prime contractor a copy of their Maintain Company page from E-Verify to prove that they are enrolled in E-Verify. Below is the link to the website for instructions to how to print your Maintain Company page.