Centennial Celebration

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Lighthouse Centennial Celebration
Sharing the Past. Envisioning the Future.

Saturday, September 15th, 2018
Museum of Flight
T.A. Wilson Great Gallery
Event Ticket: $200 per person

RSVP Today!

Join us as we share stories of our past and the many ways the Lighthouse has helped shape and redefine our community for 100 years! This elegant evening will feature entertainment, delicious dinner and drinks, a silent auction, opportunities to learn more about the Lighthouse, and an exciting program!

As our largest community event of the year, the Lighthouse Centennial Celebration event is an opportunity to celebrate the changes being made in our community and the success of the organization, donors, corporate and foundation partners, business and community leaders, and families dedicated to creating a world where people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities are instilled with a feeling of self-worth and independence.

To learn more about our Centennial Celebration, please visit our event website.

Lighthouse Centennial Celebration

Accommodation requests for the event need to be made by August 15th, 2018. Please contact Molly McLachlan at 206-436-2253 for assistance.


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