Get to Know the Lighthouse: Blindness Awareness Training at the Lighthouse

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Have you ever wondered how someone who is blind or DeafBlind navigates the world around them safely and independently? Join us on Tuesday, December 3rd for a hands-on learning experience at our Get to Know the Lighthouse: Blindness Awareness Training event. Lighthouse’s Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Tim Paulding will demonstrate travel techniques he uses while working with employees who are blind and DeafBlind, and you will have the unique opportunity of enjoying a lunch while wearing a sleep shade to give you a small glimpse of what it is like to eat when you are blind.

This will be a great chance for you to ask questions in an open setting. You will leave with a better understanding of how a person who is blind or DeafBlind performs everyday tasks.

Get to Know the Lighthouse: Blindness Awareness Training
Tuesday, December 3rd 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. – Spokane Facility
6405 North Addison Street Spokane WA, 99208


Accommodation Request Deadline: November 19th, 2019

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