We are incredibly thankful to our generous donors and community members for making a difference in the lives of people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities every day.
We are amazed by what can be accomplished when our community comes together and partners to provide opportunities for others. During these unprecedented times, we are immensely grateful for your support to address the urgent needs created by the pandemic. Your continued support empowers people through diverse, sustainable, and meaningful employment opportunities.
On behalf of everyone at the Lighthouse, we appreciate your investment in jobs, independence, and empowerment!
Brad Wiens
Foundation Board President

Bar graph showing breakdown of contributions:
$590,000 Corporations and Foundations
$370,000 Individual Gifts
$235,000 Government Grants
$199,000 In-Kind Gifts
$126,000 Trusts and Bequests
$1,520,000 Total Contributions
Foundation Board
Barbara Ross, President
Doug Fischer, Co-Vice President
David Kidd, Co-Vice President
Sandra Amodt
Maury Costantini
Meghan Fox
Stephen Alexander Hamilton
Laura Hard
Kirk Laughlin
Katherine Perry
Barbara Ross
INL (Inland Northwest Lighthouse) Advisory Council
Laura Hard, Chair
Lorna Walsh, Vice Chair
Pam Beasley
Joel Crosby
John Dubay
Gary Jespersen
Marshon Kempf
Kirk Laughlin
Fred LeFriec
Don Mollet
David Romine
Planned Giving
Planned gifts are a vital piece of the funding puzzle for nonprofits. They create a lasting legacy for the donor and a sustainable bedrock of support for the organization. At The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. your planned gift ensures a future of dignity, empowerment, and independence for individuals who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities. Make a gift that will impact lives for years to come by joining the Lighthouse Legacy Society today.
Planned gifts are easy to document, and can take many forms including:
• Gifts in Your Will
• Bequests
• Charitable Remainder Trusts
• Charitable Gift Annuities
• Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations
• Outright Gifts
If you have questions about leaving your legacy gift to the Lighthouse, or if you would like to notify us of a planned gift, please contact Jonathan Dymond at Engage@LHBlind.org.

“As the Lighthouse has been faithfully fulfilling its mission for over 100 years, joining the Lighthouse Legacy Society gives me confidence that I can help the Lighthouse empower those who are blind, DeafBlind or blind with other disabilities long into the future.”
— Brad Wiens, Lighthouse Legacy Society Member & Foundation Board President
2020 was certainly an unprecedented and challenging year for us all. The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. is incredibly grateful for the donors who have supported employment opportunities and services for individuals who are blind and DeafBlind in our community. Because of each and every one of you, we are able to continue empower those who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities through diverse, sustainable and meaningful employment opportunities.
The following symbols denote members of our Board of Trustees, Foundation Board,
INL Advisory Council, and our Lighthouse Legacy Society:
* Board or Council Member
+ Legacy Society Member
James and Sally Adams +
Eve and Chap Alvord
Sandra Amodt *+
Ann and Loren Anderson +
Katy Beck and Brian Chopp *+
Le Etta and William Benke
James and Marie Borgman
Frank and Sharon Bouten +
Heather and Bill Brown
Reed Caudle
Peter Chiarelli *
Roger Coote
Maury Costantini *
Diana Crombie
Etienne and Nancy Debaste
Dianna and Howard Dickerman +
Diana Dundore
Harry Egler *
Doug Fischer and Stephen Hadden *
Bev and Paul Fletcher +
Meghan and Elliott Fox *
Robert and Julie Francis
William and Joanne Fraser
Carmen Glynn
Kirk Greene
Conrad Hanson
Laura Hard *
Karen Johnson and Douglas Hildie +
Gary Jespersen *
Jude Johnson *
Charlotte Johnson
Jay and Mary Jane Jones
David and Rachal Kidd *
Doug and Billie Klan +
Amy Koehl +
Tom Kuebler +
Hannah Love and Julie Garbutt
Louise and David Luthy
Paul and Carol Lwali *
Michael Martens
Glenn and Ursula McCully
Sharon and Scott McLachlan
Ruby McLachlan
Frederick Mendoza
Becky Montgomery and Sara Hawk
Shani and Kirk Neamen
Pat and Christine O’Hara +
Miles Otoupal
Matt and Gesina Pedersen *
Katherine Perry *+
Bennett Prows *
George Putnam Johnson and Martha Skarperud Johnson
Paul and Charlotte Reed *
Ronald and Barbara Ross *+
Dave and Judy Ruehlmann
Joanne Schoenfeld and Stuart Orenstein
Vicki Soderberg Parry
Helen Stusser
Ron and Jane Wagner
Cindy and Robert Watson +
Brad and Molly Wiens *+
Melanie Wimmenauer
Jane Ellen Worthen
The following symbols denote members of our Board of Trustees, Foundation Board,
INL Advisory Council, and our Lighthouse Legacy Society:
* Board or Council Member
+ Legacy Society Member
George Abbott
Ashley Alvarado
Susan Anderson
Janice Anderson
Gladys and Norman Anderson
Randall and Barb Angell
Jeanette Anton
Marcia and Richard Appleton
Thomas and Joan Aulik
Paavan Avadhanula
Jenny Avaylon
Deanna Isabell and Andrew Bacon
Berdine and Leonard Bagger
Vicki Bailey
Peter and Marilyn Baird
Daniel Bangert
Nancy and James Bardeen
Gillian and Doug Bardin
Maralee and Phillip Barto
Bonnie and Daniel Bauer
Robert and Cathy Bean
Pam Beasley *
Mary Bellarts
Tony Bentley
Rita Bergin
Elizabeth Beuthel
John and Pamela Bigas
Suzanne Bjork
Diane Black
Warren and Carolyn Booth
Patricia Borth
Carol Bosch
David May and Marsha Bradbury
Maria Bradford
Becki Brady
Kim Brandt
Jay Breese
Stephen and Marcie Breese
Mary Breese
Cathleen Breese
Kent Breidenstein and Dana Marmion
Richard Breitenberg
Jared Brenner
Michael Bresson
Rosemary and Larry Brester
Gregory Brigance
Sharon Brigance
John Briggs
Allan Brookes
Gretchen Brookes
Nancy Brown
Barbara Bryant and Darryl Johnson
Carol Bryant
Robert and Nancy Burr
Terry Butler
Darlene Butler
Dan and Gretchen Butler
Bret Buttenob
Raychel Callary
Joni Campbell
Jay and Suzanne Canson
Gray Cantwell
Rhonda King and Chris Carle
Andy Cashion
Mike and Diane Cavanaugh
Monika Cetnarowski and Niko Lagen
Victor Chan
Kerou, Diana and Emma Chang
Robert and Lynn Chase
Amy and T.C. Chen
Chuck Chin
Harold and Julene Christensen
Peony Chung
Cody Clark
Carol Cleaves
Sabra Cleveland
Marilyn Cline
Troy P. Coalman
Ellis and J. Cohen
Lukas Coleman
Nancy Collins
Curt Collyer
Marguerite Condon and Ardith Schrag
Glen and Adrian Cook
Ellen Cooper
Nancy and Jim Corning
Grant Cox
Emina Cresswell
Jennifer Crofoot
Bruce Cross and Karen P. Kruse
Lois and Calvin Crow
Jennifer Crown
Dottie Curren
Jerry and Mary Anne D’Ambrosio
Clarissa Darcy
Jack Lloyd and Charlene Davies
Patricia and Donald Davis
Ronald and Gayleen Davis
Linda Day
Stuart Deal
Karel Deibel
Jessica Deri
Ronald DeRosia
Jeffrey and Stacy Deuel
Dianne Dickeman
Rob Dietz
Michael Dire
Kayla Dishman
James Dixon
Mihaela Dmitriu
Shawn Dobbs and Sarah Wallace
Timothy and Diana Dotson
Sue and Douglas Downs
Alyce Doyle
Deirdre Doyle
Aurora and Dominick Driano
John Dubay *
Mark Durfee
Tanay Dutt
Tyrone Dwain Barbery
Charles Eaton
Holly Eckert-Lewis
Shraga and Pnina Eliav
Nancy Ellingham
Irene Epstein
Gary and Isabel Ernest
Matthew Ewers
Richard Fanning
James and Krista Ferguson
Jeanette Finch
Patrick Fisk
Stuart Fitelson
Brian Foreman
Todd Friedmar
Marlene Friend
Tom Fuchs
Eddie Joe and O. Jerry Fueston
Gina Gage
John Gagliardo
Michael Gall
Paul and Nedra Gallagher
Nancy Gates
Patty Gates
Daniel Gelbaum
Karen Getman
Melody Getman
John Gibbs and Sategna Nisby-Gibbs
Debra Gilbert
Dick and Faye Gillett +
Phillip Gladfelter
Cindy Glidden
Tony and Angie Glover
Jason Goertz
Annie Gordon
Anita and Kevin Gormley
Susan and Kevin Gosling
Sybil Graham
Louis and Christine Green
Margaret Grieve-Fent
Jeffery Grimes
Stephanie Gronholz
Linda and Gundar Grundberg
Viola and Gordon Gump
Kurt Guntheroth
Kamuron Gurol
Marie Gyllenskog
Dianne Hall
Betty Halvorson
Raymond Haman +
Stephen Alexander Hamilton and Cynthia Godwin *
Larry Hamilton
Tonia Spurr and Donald Hammer
Einer and Marilyn Handeland
Robert Hanna
Patricia Hanson
Helen Harlander
Kristine and David Harper
Nancy Harris
Meris Hatfield
Jack Hatlen
Laura and Paul Hatten
Marilyn Heger
Virginia and Thomas Henderson
William Henline
Gayle Hennings
Diane and Darrel Hester
Jennifer Hicks
Charlotte Hill
Nancy Hill Bain
Michiko and Hajime Hirata
Michael and Mary Hoag
Renee Hoke
Cindy Hollis
Robert Hoye-Logan
Carol Hoyt
Andre and Jessica Hruby
Jordan Huang
John Huddlestun
Dave and Ginni Hull
Brion Hurley
Steve Ice
Barbara Innes
Jensine Isip
Harlan Jackson
Daniel Jackstadt
Sibyl James
Dick Jensen and Mary McKee
James Jeyaras
Jeremy Jobling
Wanda and Steve Johnson
David Johnson
Clifford Johnson +
Patricia Crockett and Keith Johnson
Jim and Dianne Johnston
Patricia Jolin
Louise Jones
Gilbert Joynt
Fair Juhl-Spivey
Mac Justice
Janet and Robert Kalina
Elaine and Timothy Kangas
Bob Kapinos and Sarah Garrison
Denny and Sue Kassa
Sandy Kates
Biji Keigley
Doug Kelley
Dale Kelly
Erick Kempa
Marie Kernie
Cyril Kerns
Elizabeth and Malcolm Kinch
Cathleen King
Mark Kinney
Kevin Kirk
Lance Kissler
Kathryn Klosky
Kim Klotz
Jonathan Krug
Shonil Kulkarni
Minako and Patrick Kunihiro
Leanne Kunkel
Elizabeth A. and Raymond Landry
Peter and Cynthia Lange
Nonnie and Kirk Laughlin *
Nora Laughlin
Dianne LaValley
Wayne and Kristine Lawson
Donna Lay
Guy Lazzeri
Alex LeFriec
Andy and Madeleine LeFriec
Spencer and Kathryn LeFriec
Betsy Leggat
Mike Leibold
Runo Lemming
Janet Lenhardt +
Marni Levy and John Hughes
Janet and Joachim Lewinsohn
Maureen Lewison
Glenn Light
William Ligon
Opal and John Liljegren
Kim Lindbeck
Anne Lisbeth Bjornestad
Carolyn Loew
Jennifer Loffer
Dorothy Lynch
Aelen Mabille
Denise and Gary Mackenstadt *
Tammy Madsen
Joe Tomasulo and Angel Maenhardt-Tomasulo +
Trupti Mande
Cheryl Martin
Sue Mathers
Richard Mathes
Jaya Matthew
Mary Mattson
Sybil McConaughy
Len and Tamera McKay
Rosemary and Delbert Mckinney
Molly McLachlan
Pamela McLaughlin
Linda McVey
Cole Messer
Kristine Meyer
Floris Mikkelsen
Janis and Dick Miller
Meg Miller
Carol Minges
Tejas and Hemlata Mistry
Alan Mitchel and Margaret Kimble Mitchel
Riq Molina
Don Mollet *
John Monsour
Holly Montgomery
Libby and Bill Moore
Becky and Roderick Morcom
Sharon and Jerry Mortenson
Gary Mudd
Harley Mueller
Charles and Marilyn Mullavey
Mae Lynn Mullen
Charles Nash
Margaret Nelson
Leslie Nelson
Cindy Nevin
Brian Newberry
Flavie and Hoa Nguyen
Trish Nicholls
Marilee Nielson
West Niver
Pat and Susan Noon
Robyn Norman
Jeannie Norton
Buffy Nustad
Susan and Thomas Oas
Julia Olsen
Jack Olsen
Scott and Kelley Opperud
Richard O’Shea
Ruth and Al Paige
Dale Palm
Dwight Palmer
Susan Parker
Joanna Parkhurst
Marcia Parsons
Sharon Peets
Alex Pells
Barbara Pernan
Kathy Perry
Mark and Rosanne Perry
Michael and Connie Pete
Roy Phillips
Catherine Pidgeon
Kristen Piscopo
Jutta Plummer
Sylvia and Thomas Ponder
Audry and William Ponten
Dan and Nhi Porter
Steve and Karen Potts
Roger Poulin
Marilyn Powell
Cecelia Quirk
Geoffrey Sultana and Katerina Radkevich
Ron Rainey
Janet and Kenneth Ramble
Virginia Ray
W.R. and Margaret Redman
David Reed
Justin Resnick
Sheila Richards
Gerald and Linda Richards
Sheri Richardson and Rick Lappin
Barb Richey
Deborah Rienti
Marcia Riggers
Tom and Susan Rigos
James Ritzman
Keith Robertson
Terence Robins
David Romine *
Melanie Rose
Conrad and JoAnn Roseburg
Elizabeth Rosenthal
Janet Rothermel
Mark Rowley *
Loretta Ruetter
Deborah Rustin
Debbie Rutherford
Ben Rutledge
Barrie Ryan
Barbara Sandberg
Karl Schaeffler
Peggy Schafran
Terry and Linda Scheschy
Shou-Ching and David Schilling
David Schleicher
Marsha Schoene and Marshall Langohr
Dale Schultz
Virginia Schuyler
Evilo Schwab
Judy and Gary Schwab
Marilyn Seidl
Stanley and Charlotte Seidler
Patrick Selfridge
Suzanne Selhorn
Tim Sharf
Vishal Sharma
Roberta Shelton
Steven and Lynda Shelton
Kathleen Sherry
Nicholas Shivley
Brian Sides
John and Katherine Simpson
Deepa Sivarajan
Ann Slater
Ann Slonecker
Al Smallman
Jeffrey Smith
Joan Smith
Raviteja Somisetty
Cathi Sommer
Georgia and Shannon Spence
Seth and Victoria Stakelin
Robert and Anne Stanley
Fred Stanley
Jill Stark
Diane Steen
Evelyn Stege
Sheila and Jeffrey Stephens
Elaine Stevens
David and Susan Stevens
Mark Stinson
Philip Stoller and Susan Backus-Stoller
Robert Stowell
Thelma Strand
Monica Stugelmeyer
Susan and James Sturms
Mary Anne Stusser and Charles Martin
Marilyn Subala
Robert Such
Teresa Summers
Erika Sweger
Donald Syria
Greg Szabo
Truong Tang
Jonathan Tanner
Lester Tardiff
George and Sandra Taylor
Carol and James Tevenan
Pat and Kirk Thomas
Jinx and Rodney Thorne
Terence Tombari
Scott and Janine Tomlinson
Catherine Tourville
Betty Lou Treiger
Jeff and Jinnie Truthan
Dee Tucker
James Tucker
Cynthia and John Upthegrove
Rhe Van Dusen-Jain and David Wolter
Janell Van Dussen
Cherie Vandlac
Denise Vangel
Loren Vesselle
Ernest and Annie Walker
Jean Walkinshaw
Lorna Walsh and Garry Shea *
Scott Ward
Jason Ward
John Waring
Marie Warming
Ivan Weich
Robert Weigand
Bram Weiser
Judith West and Loy Harviston
William Whetham
Yvette White
Adam and Kate Wiegel
Christopher Wilkinson
William Willcock
Jessena Williams
Vaughn and Karen Williams
Katina Willis
Joseph Wittkoetter
Linda Wolfe
Y F Fanny and Chun-Ming Wong
Jim and Jane Wood
Kyle Woodard
Michael Workman
Bob and Robin Wright
Steven Wulf
Caryl Yeager
Kathleen Zable
Reta Shipek and Michael Zassenhaus
Lillian Zeigler
Anna Zivarts
Frank and Erica Zorc
James Zue