
Aerospace: $14,330,000
Defense: $31,850,000
Business Office Products: $12,560,000

Base Supply Centers:  $24,850,000
Contract Management Services & Other:  $730,000

Manufacturing and Services Sales: $84,320,000
ECS Contracts and Fees: $260,000
Cash Contributions: $1,150,000
Investment Returns: $910,000


Personnel: $28,470,000
Manufacturing and Retail Materials: $42,720,000
Facilities and Infrastructure: $6,120,000
Administrative Expenses: $3,630,000
Professional Services: $1,870,000
Other (Income) and Expense: $(1,150,000)

ECS Expenses, as well as the dollar amount spent in each category.

Employee and Community Services Expenses

Pictured: A vertically stacked graph with colored bars, labeled with the percentage of total ECS Expenses, as well as the dollar amount spent in each category.

20% – $550,000 – Interpreting Services
19% – $530,000 – ECS Administration
14% – $390,000 – Accessibility
12% – $330,000 – Orientation & Mobility
10% – $280,000 – DeafBlind Retreat
9% – $250,000 – Employee Support Services
9% – $230,000 – Blind and DeafBlind Computer Training