Philanthropic support through grants and sponsorships for Lighthouse programs and services transform the lives of people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities.

There are many ways for local corporations and foundations to strengthen their community by supporting Lighthouse programs and services. Partnering with the Lighthouse creates real opportunities for independence and self-sufficiency for people who are blind, while demonstrating a commitment to community, clients, and partners.

We seek community support to provide vital programs, assistive tools, and job opportunities to individuals who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities. We partner with local and national foundations, corporations, and service organizations to ensure our programs remain available to those who rely on them.

Volunteers from Bank of America's Disability Action Network. A group of 11 people stand outside in a garden, wearing matching dark blue t-shirts and smiling.

Volunteers from Bank of America’s Disability Action Network

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