
Aerospace $10,155,000
Defense $33,612,000
Office Products $10,983,000
AbilityOne Base Supply Centers $23,954,000
Contract Management Services $1,622,000
Employee & Community Services Contracts & Fees $553,000
Donor Contributions $1,386,000
Investment Income $2,640,000

Total Income $84,905,000


Materials $45,687,000
Personnel $28,660,000
Facilities & Infrastructure $8,312,000
Professional Services $1,745,000
Administrative & Other $1,905,000
Employee & Community Services $3,142,000
Total Expenses $89,451,000

Change in Net Assets $(4,546,000)

A woman crossing the street using a white cane and a mini-guide.

Lighthouse employee Paula Durfee, who is DeafBlind, crossing the street using a white cane and a mini-guide.