Whether you are about to enter the work world for the first time or are contemplating seeking a new opportunity, searching for a job can seem overwhelming. As a blind person, there are often so many resources that are still inaccessible. Where do you start? The Department of Labor has a lot of free resources which can assist with a job search.

Create An Interest Profile: Crafting Your Career Path

If you’re uncertain about your ideal career path or considering a switch to a new field, the O*Net Interest Profiler is an invaluable tool. This online survey helps identify your work interests, providing clarity and focus for your career search. Here’s how you can make the most of it:

How to Use O*Net Interest Profiler:

  1. Take the Survey: Engage with the Interest Profiler survey to discover your work interests.
  2. Explore Career Options: Review the occupations linked to your interests, guiding you toward potential job opportunities.
  3. Inform Your Job Search: Armed with a clear understanding of your interests, tailor your job search to align with your passions and strengths.

Take the Interest Profiler Survey now >>

Secure Your Financial Future

Another aspect of looking for employment is the finances. Everyone wants a job that allows you to pay for your everyday needs and to save for the future. The Secure Your Financial Future resource from the Department of Labor offers guidance on various financial considerations at different stages of your career.

On this webpage, there is a Frequently Asked Questions section which deals with social security, workplace accommodations and many more work-related issues.  The unique aspect of the website is that it has these main sections:

  1. Preparing for a Job: Explore resources on creating a budget, setting financial goals, negotiating a salary, and discovering opportunities like internships, volunteering, and apprenticeships.
  2. Starting a Job: Navigate guidance on setting and implementing goals, planning for significant purchases and life events, and adapting goals as your career progresses.
  3. Maintaining a Job: Find advice on managing ongoing expenses, optimizing your budget, and addressing financial challenges during employment.
  4. Changing or Losing a Job: Receive insights on managing financial transitions during career changes, including coping with job loss.
  5. Retiring from a Job: Plan for retirement by exploring financial considerations specific to this phase, ensuring a secure financial future.

By leveraging these resources, blind job seekers can take control of their job search journey, armed with accessible tools and valuable guidance from the Department of Labor. Empower yourself to navigate the job market confidently and secure a fulfilling and sustainable career path.

Join our Workforce

Whether you are an experienced professional or someone looking to embark on a fulfilling career, the Lighthouse provides opportunities to contribute to a meaningful cause. By joining the Lighthouse team, you can become part of an organization that not only champions the rights of those who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities but also actively invests in the professional and personal advancement of its workforce. Explore the open positions today and be a part of an organization dedicated to creating a positive impact.

We’re Leaders in Blind Employment – View Our Open Positions and Apply Today!