McMorris-Rodgers and Kurt LantzOn January 3rd, Inland Northwest Lighthouse (INL) was proud to host a visit by Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers (5th District).  The Congresswoman and her two staff members toured the INL production floor with Plant Manager Tim Dotson, watched teams of workers assembling wallboards, and met several INL employees who described their jobs at INL.  Representative McMorris-Rodgers was interested in the challenges that employees had faced dealing with their vision loss and their search for meaningful employment.  She also took time to visit with Greg Wing who demonstrated adaptive technology and described training that INL employees receive in the Computer Lab.  She ended her visit at an impromptu gathering of all employees in the break room, welcoming their questions and comments.  We all enjoyed Representative McMorris-Rodgers taking the time to start off the New Year with us at INL!