Staff and guests enjoying Dim Sum delicacies

Staff and guests enjoying Dim Sum delicacies

“The idea was to have fun eating Chinese dim sum while raising money to support the Lighthouse’s mission to create and enhance opportunities for independence and self-sufficiency of people who are blind, Deaf-Blind, and blind with other disabilities,” said Howie Dickerman, Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind Foundation Board President.

We would like to say thank you to everyone who attended this casual fundraising event last Saturday, November 15th. We hope you had a great time tasting some delicious new cuisine and enjoying lively table conversation with friends and co-workers. Because of your support we raised over $7,300 to continue providing vital training programs and employment opportunities for people who are blind and Deaf-Blind in our community.

We were especially grateful to Howie for organizing and hosting this event and New Hong Kong Restaurant for easily accommodating our large group.

We hope you can all join us again next year!