The Lighthouse CMS team from left to right: Travis Cowsert, Contract Close-out Specialist (CCS); Mike Fox, CCS; Joyce Cozart, Contract Close-out Supervisor; Mike Eden, CCS; Jillian Delrosario, Clerk; Robyn Dunn, CCS Tamara Airhart, CCS; Robyn’s Guide Dog Ms. Wanda (bottom)Last year, the Lighthouse began providing Contract Management Support (CMS) services for Fleet and Industrial Supply Center (FISC) in San Diego.  CMS provides contract closeout services to Federal Government contracting offices, like FISC, and new employment opportunities for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.  In alignment with the Lighthouse’s Strategic Plan, CMS creates high-growth career opportunities for blind and visually impaired individuals, while providing training and increasing job skills.  Recently renewed to continue into its second year, the program is allowing the Lighthouse to continue pursuing new service business opportunities and provide increased employment opportunities, moving us closer to our strategic goal of 500 livable wage jobs by 2016.

Through the AbilityOne Program, the Lighthouse is providing critical support to government contracting offices by freeing up time for the contracting workforce to address more mission-critical and inherently-governmental functions, while facilitating the return of unused obligated contract funds to the government.  Blind and visually impaired CMS employees gain much needed employment opportunities in a career-oriented, upwardly-mobile professional field.  With low attrition, deep tenure, and exceptional customer service capabilities, the Lighthouse’s highly-skilled CMS team consists of seven individuals that close out contracts every day.