A commitment to our employees’ personal and professional growth drives us to provide high-quality programs and services that make a positive impact on their lives. Our programs and services are designed to provide valuable training, resources, and support to our employees who are blind, enabling them to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Close up of dark skinned hands on a large print, high contrast keyboard in front of a large print computer screen.
Image of two men communicating through Protactile ASL.

Accessible Workspaces

Each employee has the opportunity to customize their environment to suit their individual access needs. This includes providing braille displays, adaptive computer technology, enhanced lighting, and more.

Braille Literacy

Braille literacy is a vital skill for upward mobility and employment, and the Lighthouse seeks to address this need through classes and individual instruction.

Computer Training

The Lighthouse has four computer training labs at our different locations where employees can learn to use a wide range of access technology devices and software, and develop skills for upward mobility.

DeafBlind Program

The DeafBlind Program creates a space for people who are DeafBlind to come together, share and learn information in an accessible format and environment. The Lighthouse is one of the largest employers of people who are DeafBlind in the U.S.

Ethel L. Dupar Fragrant Garden

The garden is a beautiful place for employees and community members to relax and relieve stress during the workday and enjoy the sensory experience of the fragrant garden.

Independent Living Program

The Independent Living Program (ILP) provides instruction to help individuals new to vision loss learn new techniques to perform everyday tasks.

Interpreting Services & ProTactile American Sign Language

The Lighthouse hires freelance interpreters to meet the needs of DeafBlind employees and employees who use a language other than spoken English. Employees who are blind or sighted have the opportunity to learn basic American Sign Language to better communicate with their coworkers.

Low Vision Clinic & Store

Available to the community as well as employees, our Low Vision Clinic and Store seek to meet the immense gap in services for individuals with low vision. Rehabilitation services, clinical exams, and a store offer tools to assist people as they adjust to vision loss.

Orientation & Mobility Program

Our Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Specialists ensure that individuals who are blind can safely travel to work, home, and around their communities. Skills instruction includes white cane travel, bus and street route planning, electronic travel aid training, and supplemental dog guide training.

Supported Employment Program

The Supported Employment Program utilizes the Lighthouse’s specially trained Employment Advocates to empower people who are blind with other disabilities in continuing and expanding their career.

Technology Training Center

The Technology Training Center (TTC) offers fully accessible computer stations to DeafBlind employees and community members, along with individual courses taught by our DeafBlind instructor.

Two young women walking on a sidewalk. One is using a white cane.
e046 – CTP – Nicole Corbett & Carmen Rivera

Expanding our Reach

The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. expanded our reach to serve more people in our community. In the Puget Sound region, tens of thousands of people have a visual impairment that interferes with daily life.

As our elderly population continues to grow, that number will continue to increase. To meet this glaring need in our community, the Lighthouse grew our already successful computer and assistive technology programs to reach more individuals in our community. This allows more people to discover their independence while also showcasing the success of our employees, and accessible employment opportunities that are available.

people served through our programs and services