Braille instructor Julie Brannon (left) demonstrates a refreshable braille display to student Keri Brent (right)The Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind Foundation stewards community support of our mission.

As a supporter of the Lighthouse, you’re helping make opportunities possible for people who are blind, Deaf-Blind, and blind with other disabilities.

The issues we address are serious.  Blind people face a 70% unemployment rate, and for Deaf-Blind people that figure rises to over 80%.  Beyond those percentages, many visually impaired individuals who do have jobs often work at poverty-level wages.  Your support makes it possible for The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. to employ over 220 people with visual disabilities.

Thanks to you, blind and Deaf-Blind employees are able to manufacture parts for the aerospace industry, while other employees produce items for the Federal Government and the U.S. Military.

You’re also supporting opportunities for independence and self-sufficiency through:

  • Assistive technologies, including talking machine programs, computer screen readers, and screen-magnification software.
  • Computer training for blind and Deaf-Blind adults to gain essential computer and assistive technology skills.
  • Braille literacy classes giving blind and Deaf-Blind adults the gift of literacy and equal access to information.
  • Orientation and mobility training to travel safely and independently with a guide dog, white cane, or assistive technologies.
  • Deaf-Blind Community Classes and our annual Deaf-Blind Retreat providing individuals with the opportunity to overcome barriers and build community.

Regardless of the size of a donation, every gift is welcomed by the Foundation.  Working together, we can provide the jobs, training, and support services needed to create opportunities for people in our community who are blind, Deaf-Blind, and blind with other disabilities.