On Tuesday October 25th, The Boeing Company visited The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. to present employees with a banner indicating that we had delivered 348,123 conforming parts to Boeing year-to-date!  To show their appreciation, they also passed out Boeing badge lanyards to machine shop employees.   They want all the Community Manufacturing Partners (CMP) to understand the value they bring to the Boeing Company and show their appreciation for our support.  CMP is made up of several philanthropic organizations that are associated with the 609 Business Unit within Boeing and we are one of them.  The representatives from Boeing were all in the Quality field; two QA Managers from the Auburn division and the other our Quality System representative.  We typically don’t hear from them unless there is a problem so it was nice to know that they do think we are doing a great job and took the time to recognize us.  The Lighthouse is proud to be providing products for the flying public, knowing we do it well.   Keep up the good work!

– Diana Crombie, Senior Director of Quality