You too can receive a little extra cash, just by referring someone to work at The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. If this intrigues you, read on for all the important details and qualifying information.

Effective immediately and running through December 31, 2017, current Lighthouse employees who referrer someone who is blind for an open Production position at the Lighthouse will be eligible for a $400 Referral Bonus. As well, any member of the general public who does the same will be eligible to receive $250.

To Qualify:

The referred individual must be selected for hire, complete 90 calendar days of employment, and list the Lighthouse employee or referring individual from the general public on their employment application.

Referrals for individuals who have previously worked at the Lighthouse, temporary or contract employees will not qualify for the Referral Bonus Incentive.

Who do you know that could use a job?

For additional Referral Bonus Incentive information, please contact:

Kevin D. Daniel
Senior Director of Strategic Recruiting or (206) 973-4060.