Our Report to the Community

Kirk Adams, President and CEO

Kirk Adams, President and CEO, The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.

In 2009 The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. took a bold step forward: adopting a strategic plan and our goal of creating 500 living wage jobs for blind and Deaf-Blind individuals by 2016. That more than doubles our current employment opportunities for blind adults in five years. To reach this ambitious goal, we have identified five key strategies:

  • Build our Core Manufacturing Capabilities with state-of-the art machining equipment fully accessible to blind and Deaf-Blind individuals.
  • Develop Service Businesses to open up new and meaningful employment possibilities for blind and Deaf-Blind people.
  • Physical and Geographic Expansion: as our Seattle and Spokane branches are expanding, we also plan to add new Base Supply Centers to expand jobs across the West Coast.
  • Expand Accommodations and Training Opportunities by purposefully pursuing our goal of becoming a leader in accessibility, assistive technology, education and training for people who are blind, Deaf-Blind, and blind with other disabilities.
  • Expand The Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind Foundation to fully fund our mission-related costs and special projects emerging from our strategic plan.

Our partnership with this community plays a crucial role in creating opportunities for people with visual and multiple disabilities. We could not have advanced this plan without board leadership, community support, and our employees’ dedication. I am deeply grateful to our generous community for building lasting opportunities for blind and Deaf-Blind individuals. With your support, we will continue to reach out to create life-changing employment and training in our community.

Kirk Adams Signature

Kirk Adams
President and CEO
The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.