Submitted by Cindy Van Winkle

Finn the Guide Dog

Finn the Guide Dog

Growing up, Greg Szabo always knew he wanted a guide dog. In 2009, he traveled from Dekalb, Illinois (where he was living at the time) to Boring, Oregon to attend two weeks of training at Guide Dogs for the Blind. This is a residential program, a cross between boot camp with its rigorous training and a vacation-like resort feel with delicious meals prepared, music, reading, and socializing. There he was partnered with a handsome Black Labrador Retriever named Finn and their journey began.

Falling in love with the Portland area and its vast public transportation system, Greg and Finn moved out to the Pacific Northwest in 2010. A year later, Greg was hired on at The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc.’s facility in Spokane as a Production Worker and now serves as Director of Development and Public Relations at the Lighthouse.

Greg knew in his heart of hearts that he would enjoy the partnership of a guide dog. But it wasn’t until he and Finn were actually a working team he learned how efficient travel would become.

Director of Development and Public Relations Greg Szabo and Finn

Director of Development and Public Relations Greg Szabo and Finn

These days Greg and Finn are seen all around Spokane speaking on behalf of the Lighthouse and attending Eastern Washington University. Greg loves sharing Finn with the general public and educating folks about the guide dog lifestyle. When asked what his greatest challenge is working with a guide dog, without hesitation Greg says, “it’s when people in the community try to pass off their pets as service animals which can interfere with our work as a team and potentially my safety.”

Now ten-and-a-half years young, Finn’s retirement is being planned out. For Greg, this is a bittersweet time, ending one seasoned partnership and preparing to start fresh with a young guide dog and all the learning and growing that goes along with it. For Finn, he’ll probably end up lounging around at home, watching The Price is Right or maybe even Animal Planet. And when that new dog joins the family, maybe Finn will teach him or her a thing or two.

For more than eight years, Greg has witnessed the unwavering loyalty Finn gives to him. He’s always ready to work for Greg and just wants to please him. Finn has given Greg a new perspective on life, one that reminds him daily that no matter what comes their way, the love between guide dog and handler is parallel to none.
