Computer Training Program (CTP)

Computer Training Program (CTP)2023-01-18T10:15:31-08:00
A dark-skinned woman demonstrates using apps on a smartphone to another dark-skinned woman in a computer training lab

Computer and Assistive Technology Instructor Nicole Corbett demonstrates using smartphone apps with student Mai Ho in Seattle 

The Computer Training Program (CTP) exists to increase and support the independence, self-sufficiency, and upward mobility of adults who are blind and low vision in the workplace through specialized training in assistive technology. Courses are highly individualized and emphasize computer and assistive technology tools to be used in the workplace. Classes are primarily 1:1 instructor led, with occasional group classes.

Computer Training Courses

The CTP offers assessment and training on current assistive technology and computer programs, including:

  • Typing and keyboarding
  • Introduction to computer hardware
  • Microsoft Windows
  • ZoomText, JAWS and Fusion
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • iPhone and Android accessibility
  • Refreshable braille displays
  • Other assistive hardware and software




Computer training classes are currently offered to Lighthouse employees who meet the legal definition of blindness. Students must also have minimal prerequisite skills for computer training before beginning classes.


The Computer Training Program is funded through a combination of grants, contributions from local corporations, foundations, service organizations and individual charitable giving, and Lighthouse operations. There is no cost to participants of the Computer Training Program who are employees of the Lighthouse.

For additional information, please contact:

Timothy Paulding
ECS Services and Instructional Manager

Phone: (509) 487-0405 ext. 1409

Di Black
Computer and Technology Skills Supervisor

Phone: (509) 487-0405 ext. 1430

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Digital Equity

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