The Technology Training Center (TTC) serves DeafBlind employees and community members by building skills and access to information through the use of computers and assistive technology, and comprehensive training and support in computers, smart phones, and related technologies. The Lighthouse’s Technology Training Center provides vital computer and assistive technology skills that empower DeafBlind individuals to thrive in their careers and communities.

All Employee and Community Services (ECS) programming offers each individual the opportunity to increase their skills in an environment that supports independence, choice, and control over matters impacting each participant. We invite and rely upon consumer involvement and input.

This program is partially funded by the 2025 Seattle Technology Matching Fund grant which pays for instructor time. The instructor time allows for tailored computer and assistive technology training for DeafBlind Lighthouse employees to gain the skills necessary for career advancement, community engagement, and greater independence.

Instruction is individualized, and emphasizes computer and assistive technology tools to be used in the workplace and for community and informational access. Classes are primarily 1:1 instructor led, with occasional group classes.

Two employees communicating in the technology training center via tactile ASL.

Features of the TTC include:

  • Training staff who are fluent in ASL providing direct instruction
  • Linguistically and culturally appropriate services
  • The TTC Lab, open for use daily Monday through Friday during work hours. Both employees and community members are welcome to use the TTC Lab.
  • A wide array of classes covering software, hardware, assistive technology, and other peripherals are offered for those at any skill level
  • Curriculum that is tailored to the needs and goals of the participant.
  • Classes can be held in the TTC or in a student’s home on their own equipment

Individual classes and services include:

  • Typing and keyboarding
  • Basic computer navigation
  • Email programs
  • MS Office Suite: Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint
  • Internet browsing and navigation
  • Online bill pay
  • Assistive technology such as screen magnification or screen readers
  • Use of technology such as refreshable braille displays and note takers
  • iOS devices and mobile technology


Recipients of these services must be DeafBlind: legally blind and either Deaf, significantly hard of hearing, or late deafened. Services are open to Lighthouse employees as well as DeafBlind community members.


The Technology Training Center (TTC) Program is funded through a combination of community, individual, and operations support from the Lighthouse.  We rely on financial contributions from local corporations, foundations, service organizations and individuals.

All community support for Lighthouse programs is channeled through the Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind Foundation, whose sole purpose is to gather community support for the fulfillment of the Lighthouse mission.  Participation in TTC classes and instruction is free of charge for participants.

For additional information, please contact:

Diane Black
Computer and Technology Skills Supervisor
Phone: (509) 487-0405 Ext.  1430  |  Fax: (509) 487-0435  | VP: (206) 452-5735

Timothy  Paulding
ECS Services and Instructional Manager
Phone: (509) 487-0405 |   Mobile: (208) 771-4901