Jada Harrison has been working at The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. in Spokane since February of 2024. She spends most of her time as a Production Worker working on our wallboard lines, producing office products for the federal government. Jada has worked on every process from building a wallboard to packaging the board for shipping it to the customer.
One of Jada’s goals when she shows up to work is to say hello to as many folks as she can. She really enjoys her interactions between her and her fellow co-workers. She also enjoys helping people out. If she sees that a person on her line that might still have some materials to prep prior to starting an order, she will jump in to help. She feels that this will get an order started sooner and will lead to earlier shipments for the organization.
Jada’s visual impairment is caused from Achromatopsia. This inherited eye condition causes extreme light sensitivity as well as color blindness. For this reason, Jada wears sunglasses when outdoors to cut out the blindness caused by bright light.
Jada grew up just south of Seattle in Federal Way. She worked in other jobs before coming to the Lighthouse including working in fast food at Panda Express, and in retail at Fred Meyer. She did not enjoy the fast-food industry at all, but enjoyed retail, yet was looking for something new.
After a traumatic experience at her last place of employment at Fred Meyer, Jada began looking for a new place to work. She Googled blind jobs in Spokane, and The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. popped up. Jada had no clue that an organization like the Lighthouse existed. She was even more shocked to find out we were in Spokane. She applied for the job and was overly excited when she learned that she had gotten it!
When Jada is not working at the Lighthouse, she really enjoys hiking in the beautiful PNW. It is a way for her to relax and wind down after a long week of work. Jada also likes to play video games with her boyfriend. Video games is somewhat of a new hobby for Jada, but with all the advancements in making gaming accessible for the blind, it is something she will be enjoying for the foreseeable future.
The Lighthouse deeply appreciates Jada and all she does to contribute to the Lighthouse’s mission!