Strategic Recruiting / Onboarding

Strategic Recruiting / Onboarding2023-02-16T10:20:33-08:00

Strategic Recruiting

The Lighthouse specializes in strategic hiring and placement of professionals who are blind in the workplace. Working hand in hand with HR departments, candidates are vetted from the best recruiting pools in the nation, and are closely matched with the right employers for a win-win relationship.


  • Ongoing employer/employee supports to ensure successful employment outcomes

Other related blindness supports: 

  • Braille training
  • Training and education to improve accessibility in the physical workplace

Recruitment advantages: 

  • Established network to source & recruit blind talent: includes over 100+ educational institutions, employers, NGOs, government agencies & consumer groups for people who are blind
  • 100 years experience in hiring, sourcing, recruiting, and selection of applicants who are blind
Computer Training Instructor Tim Paulding (left) works with student Lark Braun in Spokane, WA


  • Housing support and referrals
  • Orientation and Mobility training – both transportation to work and within the workplace
  • Blindness Awareness training for sighted coworkers and contractors
  • Computer skills assessment
  • Assistive technology assessment for workspace accommodation
  • Ongoing employer/employee support to ensure success of employment outcomes & retention
Orientation and Mobility instructor Erin Fitzpatrick (left) works with training a Lighthouse employee at the Mount Baker Light Rail station in Seattle, WA

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Digital Equity

In order for individuals who are blind and visually impaired to compete in the marketplace for secure jobs with family sustaining wages, they must have strong technology skills and accessible training.

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