2017 Employee MVP Award Winners Announced for Seattle Lighthouse!

Each year, The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. recognizes employees who strongly demonstrate the mission and values of the organization. This is referred to the MVP award, and in Seattle is presented to ten employees. All nominations are made confidentially and by employees who not only submit the name of their nominee, but must also include statements supporting that nominee and how they exemplify the award.

M – Mission: to create and enhance opportunities for independence and self-sufficiency of people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities.

V – Values: accessibility, accountability, communication, confidentiality, community, trust, respect, upward mobility, safety, and teamwork.

P – Performance: a level of outstanding performance in their given job.

There were 30 nominees in all, each invited to attend a special recognition and celebration event on May 3, 2017 in Seattle. The ten Seattle facility MVP winners were announced by our President and CEO Mike May.

To celebrate, MVP Award winners received a $100 check, certificate, and each will be invited to attend the Seattle Mariners baseball game on June 2nd. The 20 other nominees received a gift card and appreciation note.

We are proud to announce the following 2017 MVP Winners. Please join us in congratulating them on their success and well-deserved recognition from their coworkers!

Jerimiah Rice
Jeff Liebel
Tara Gray
Sander Ganal
Brent Weichers
Alberto Gonzalez
Alex Carter
Roberto Cordero
Svetlana Abramchuk
David Haney

The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc. is proud to recognize, celebrate, and congratulate these ten MVP award winners!