Morgan Breese, DeafBlind Program Manager, knows all too well how important resources are for DeafBlind employees. “My job is supporting employees who are DeafBlind here at the Lighthouse,” she shares. “Many things aren’t accessible for people who are DeafBlind, so we work on providing access to our employees so that they can gain information and do their job.”

The Lighthouse is one of the largest employers of people who are DeafBlind in the U.S. Morgan shares, “Our DeafBlind Program is unique in the world. It was designed specifically for DeafBlind community members and employees.”

After challenges presented by the pandemic over the last number of years, the DeafBlind program at the Lighthouse is once again fully staffed and community programs have been reinstated.

Having the DeafBlind Program running at full capacity is important for the community as a whole. Morgan explains, “We really offer a full comprehensive service. We are unique! Without our program Seattle would look very different than it does. We impact the employees and we impact the community here! People have the opportunity to be part of a critical mass, which is often not the case elsewhere.”

2 white women sitting close together using Protactile sign language to communicate.

Morgan Breese, left, and Jennifer Hess, right, communicating through Protactile ASL

Update on Our Strategic Plan

In 2022, the Lighthouse Board of Trustees approved our new Strategic Plan, a plan that continues to clearly guide the Lighthouse operation into the next three years and beyond.

The eight strategic priorities are aimed at strengthening the Lighthouse’s impact. The first priority emphasizes business growth and diversification, all with the ultimate goal of increasing employment opportunities for people who are blind and DeafBlind. The other priorities focus on updating business systems; workforce development and succession planning; expanding Employee and Community Services programs; leveraging philanthropy to fully fund employee and community service programs; increasing community engagement to advance the Lighthouse mission; expanding mission advocacy and government relations; and building and maintaining a diverse, high-performing Board of Trustees.