WEBINAR: Pathways to Disability Empowerment | Self-employment & the Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc., Monthly Career Webinar This career webinar is for job seekers who are blind, Low Vision, DeafBlind and [...]
The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc., Monthly Career Webinar This career webinar is for job seekers who are blind, Low Vision, DeafBlind and [...]
Learn how you can make a difference in the lives of people that are blind & learn about jobs at our $90M mission-driven manufacturing nonprofit social enterprise!
In today's competitive job market, finding the right job can be challenging, especially for people with disabilities. Securing your next opportunity requires a blend of [...]
When I was in my twenties, I thought I knew what I needed to do to get a job. I needed to network, I needed [...]
Whether you are about to enter the work world for the first time or are contemplating seeking a new opportunity, searching for a job [...]
From Left: Director of Employee and Community Services, Amy Koehl; Lighthouse President and CEO, George Abbott; Workforce Development Manager, Cheryl Cumings. The Lighthouse [...]
At The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc., accessible hiring isn't just a concept; it's a cornerstone of our mission. More and more companies are [...]
Incredibly high rates of unemployment and underemployment among those who are blind can largely be explained by one simple fact - many employers simply [...]
Infographics showing where our employees are located geographically across the U.S.
Orientation and Mobility Specialist/Rehab Teaching - Independent Living Program - Seattle, WA The purpose of the Orientation & Mobility Specialist position is to provide [...]