If you ever visit the Low Vision Clinic at the Lighthouse, Customer Service Admin and Scheduler Eun-Gyong Lee-Rossow might be the first voice you hear. Her upbeat personality and cheery demeanor help make those who visit the Low Vision Clinic feel at home.
“I always say our clinic is pretty noisy because we’re always laughing,” she says. Eun-Gyong has been working at the Low Vision Clinic since July, 2022 when the clinic was starting to ramp up again after the pandemic.
“With vision loss, people tend to be devastated, which is understandable,” Eun-Gyong says. “But there are so many things out there, both assistive devices as well as groups and places you can go to for support.”
She said the doctor always makes sure people are armed with information. In addition, the store carries all kinds of assistive devices, like reading machines and tools for performing daily tasks, like needle threaders, tactile timers, and calculators.
Eun-Gyong herself has been blind since she was born and uses a braille display to interact with the online calendar, where she schedules client appointments. To her, this role at The Lighthouse has been rewarding.
“My boss, my team, and the people I serve are all really great,” she says. “I feel respected, and once you have respect from others, your self-confidence goes up.”
The clinic has an optometrist, as well as an occupational therapist on staff. The clinic includes the Low Vision Store, which offers a variety of assistive devices.